PHP - List the files of a sub-directory


I've currently created a small site that can scan a folder and list all the video files present in the later.

I can not get it to scan the subfolder of my root folder and add these files to my database.

Here is my code:

getMessage()); } $prepareStatement = $db->query("SELECT n_file FROM t_film "); $connect = $prepareStatement->fetchAll(); $rep = "F:DVD"; $dir = opendir($rep); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) { $info = pathinfo($file); $found = false; foreach ($connect as $value) { if ($value['n_file'] == $file) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found == false) { $statement = "INSERT INTO t_film (n_file,n_title,n_synopsis,n_ctg,n_date) VALUES ('$file','".$info['filename']."','','".$info['extension']."',' ')"; $db->exec($statement); } } } header('Location: index.php'); ?>


Try this:

function scan($rep) { global $db; $dir = opendir($rep); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) { if (is_dir($rep.$file)) { scan($file); } else { $info = pathinfo($file); $found = false; foreach ($connect as $value) { if ($value['n_file'] == $file) { $found = true; break; } } if ($found == false) { $statement = "INSERT INTO t_film (n_file,n_title,n_synopsis,n_ctg,n_date) VALUES ('$file','".$info['filename']."','','".$info['extension']."',' ')"; $db->exec($statement); } } } } } scan("F:DVD");

Thanks to neoprog67 for this tip.

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